Sunday, May 6, 2012

Very cool, royalty free sounds

One of my favorite finds at the National Haunters Convention was Audio Zombie Sound.  They do custom work for movies, haunted attractions, and so on, but also sell a full line of royalty free sound libraries.  I bought two CDs: Lost Souls - which they just released, and MY9D-FKD and am extremely impressed with their work!  We listened through each track last night and rated them for our graveyard haunt in the front yard and have quite a few that will be playing on loop this coming year.  This will be a significant upgrade from the generic "Freddy", "Jason", and "Psycho" theme songs that we have used in the past.  The best part is each CD was only $10 - about what you would pay for the generic ones sold around Halloween!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Don't miss it if you are in Philly this weekend!

I just spent the morning at the National Haunters Convention. There are a variety of vendors with everything from traditional store-bought props and costumes to high-end programmable logic controllers to make fancy animatronics. They also offer classes on making things out of styrofoam, marketing your haunted attraction, and how to keep your actors happy and motivated - among other things. I'll post more detailed notes of what I picked up for myself, but wanted to get the message out that the event is still going on for anyone who wants to stop by. Admission is $25 at the door.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Future entrance for the graveyard?

Lisa had the great idea of expanding the graveyard we have used the last couple of years and having it include the front driveway as well.  I saw this on the way home from the grocery store and thought it would make a good entrance with the fencing coming off either side.  It should be pretty easy to make with wood internals, styrofoam walls, and Monster Mud finish.  What do you think?